Support Intensive Care Research...

Support Intensive Care Research...

Thank you for helping us to continue our journey of support for survival.

Every year more than 160,000 people, including 12,000 babies and children, are admitted to Intensive Care Units across Australia and New Zealand. The need for intensive care can arise for anyone, irrespective of age or state of health. Road accidents, burns, trauma, serious illness, severe heart attack, stroke, pneumonia... none of us is immune.

As recently as 30 to 40 years ago there was no concept of intensive care and the majority of patients who are now treated in ICUs would not have survived.

Today, more than 90% of patients survive life-threatening accidents or illnesses with the help of intensive care, thanks to extensive and continuing medical research that has significantly improved both treatment and technology. 

Since 2000 the Intensive Care Foundation has supported more than 100 research projects, providing more than $4m in research grant funding. We are committed to fostering the talent of novice researchers and funding pilot studies that can lead to major research projects.

Each year we run a competitive grants process and each year we receive many more worthy research grant applications than we are able to fund.

Your donation to the Foundation will be greatly appreciated and will directly support research by helping us fund more potentially life-saving projects.

I would like to donate:

A one off donation of $1000 $ 1000
A one off donation of $500 $ 500
A one off donation of $100 $ 100
A one off donation of $50 $ 50
A monthly donation of $1000 $ 1000
A monthly donation of $500 $ 500
A monthly donation of $100 $ 100
A monthly donation of $50 $ 50
An annual donation of $1000 $ 1000
An annual donation of $500 $ 500
An annual donation of $100 $ 100
An annual donation of $50 $ 50

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This amount will be billed to your account today and once a week thereafter. Total annual amount: $0 This amount will be billed to your account today and once a fortnight thereafter. Total annual amount: $0 This amount will be billed to your account today and once a month thereafter. Total annual amount: $0 This amount will be billed to your account today and once a year thereafter. Total annual amount: $0

Australian & New Zealand Intensive Care Foundation